The party will begin at 6:00 PM with cocktails and hors devoir’s. A dinner will begin at 7:00 PM. After dinner there will be dancing! The cost is TBD person or TBD per couple. Please RSVP by TBD. Please contact chairman John Radicone at 484-886-8817 with any questions. Location and Time TBD
Confirmation request from Sacred Heart Jesus Council Oxford Pa. Confirmation will be at 10:00am with Mass the Honor Guard is requested at 9:30am. There will be a luncheon afterwards and we are invited to attend. We have helped this council in the past.
OMPH Church
320 Church Avenue, Ephrata, PA, United States
Mass and Celebration at OMPH Church The Memorial Mass, with the Honor Guard present, will be held at OMPH Church at 5 PM followed by Charter Night in the Father […]