Lancaster 867
1575 New Danville Pike, Lancaster, PA, United States
Burgers, Dogs and Beverages will be provided. Please bring a covered side dish to share. Please RSVP to Robert Boule at 717-629-9707, or sign up at the July and August Assembly Meetings.
Saint Joseph's Catholic Church
440 St. Joseph St., Lancaster, United States
Padre Pio Walk will begin with Mass at St. Joseph Church. Mass will be celebrated at 8:15am followed by the procession at 9:15am. All Honor Guard are asked to participate at the Mass those unable to walk may dropout at the end of Mass closing.
Saint Joseph's Downingtown
338 Manor Ave., Downingtown, PA, United States
Calvert Province Leadership Meeting will be held at St. Joseph Catholic Church at 9:00 am. 338 Manor Ave. Downingtown Lunch will be provided at a cost of 20.00 you can pay the morning of the meeting. This meeting is for those interested in Marshall, CCC. There will be training sessions so bring beret, sword, gloves […]
OMPH Church
320 Church Avenue, Ephrata, PA, United States
Annual Blue Mass at Our Mother of Perpetual Help Church Ephrata Pa. The Mass will be celebrated at 11:00 AM. The Honor Guard is requested at the church at 10:30am. The Mass is dedicated to all Police, Fire, and First Responders who have passed away in the past year.