Santa Maria Assembly 0915

Blue Mass at Our Mother of Perpetual Help Church

OMPH Church 320 Church Avenue, Ephrata, PA, United States

Annual Blue Mass at Our Mother of Perpetual Help Church Ephrata Pa. The Mass will be celebrated at 11:00 AM. The Honor Guard is requested at the church at 10:30am. The Mass is dedicated to all Police, Fire, and First Responders who have passed away in the past year.

Assembly Meeting

Saint Phillip the Apostle 2111 Millersville Pike, Lancaster, PA, United States

The building off to the side of the church.

Fourth Degree Exemplification

Diocese Headquarters 4800 Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg, United States

Fourth Degree Exemplification Harrisburg Diocesan Center. Honor Guard participants please arrive by 11:00 am.

Viewing for Sir John Beck Sr.

Charles F Snyder Lititz Pk 3110 Lititz Pike, Lititz, PA, United States

John away on July 27 2024. Services will be held in the Phila. Area before the October viewing at Snyder on the Lititz Pike from 10-11 am

Sanctity of Life Mass

Saint John Neumann Catholic Church 601 E. Delp Road, Lancaster, PA, United States

Sponsored by the Order of Malta will be held at St. John Neumann Church. The Mass will be at 6:00pm The Honor Guard is requested at 5:30pm.

Memorial Mass and Breakfast at OMPH

OMPH Church 320 Church Avenue, Ephrata, PA, United States

Memorial Mass for Deceased Members of Father Daley Council 4191. Mass will be at Our Mother of Perpetual Help Church Ephrata Pa at 9:00am.

Veterans Mass

OMPH Church 320 Church Avenue, Ephrata, PA, United States

On Sunday, November 10th, the Santa Maria Assembly will be holding a Veterans Mass at OMPH in Ephrata, followed by a fundraiser dinner from 12-2 PM at the American Legion. All veterans and their spouses are invited to attend the 11 AM Mass and dinner. Please contact Bill Childs for dinner reservations no later than […]